"Living Fiction" - new video!

Happy New Year, dear friends!

As we venture into a new year, I’m beginning with a little looking back. This is an old song with a new music video. Beth Lorio put together this video for me - stitched together from 8mm footage that was filmed by my family from the 60's, when my dad was in high school and college, and including footage of my own childhood.

These reels were unearthed from the depths of my parents closets, and I had them converted to digital format during the pandemic. My grandparents died before I was born, so getting to see them holding babies, playing with cats and dogs, was extraordinarily meaningful to me. It felt like meeting them for the first time.

This song, "Living Fiction" is all about the stories we stitch together of our histories, to try to make meaning of our lives. These images, of my parents and aunts and uncles in their youth, and the places and people that they were close to at the time, have helped add meaning to my timeline and sense of self.

In the new year, I wish you all meaningful moments – with gratitude, joy and laughter in as many of them as possible!

Kristin Gordon George