Songs of the Sphere: an earthly oracle
40 cards and 40 songs to guide you home
Songs of the Sphere: Luring you into the delightful wisdom of our planet home
Do you remember playing outside as a kid? Was there a tree that you looked at every day as your school bus passed by? Did you ever feed the squirrels with your grandmother? If we really open up to those childhood experiences, so many of us carry small, wonderful relationships forged with the non-human world that still live within us, waiting.
How are your extra-human friendships faring these days? As we are inundated with news of wild fires and collapsing icebergs, can we stay open to the fascination of that weird-looking caterpillar wiggling across the windshield? As our animal bodies intuit trouble approaching with scrambled seasons and waves of extinctions, can we allow our childlike delight to clarify our love for our own personal earthly territory? Can we see, feel, hear, smell, and taste the lives lived there, of which our own lives are an integral part?
Finding your way in the world can feel heavy at times. You want to be clear about your own path. You want to help make the world a better place. You want to feel that you belong to something worthwhile.
It seems like a simple gesture, but as you shuffle the oracle deck, your breathing slows down without you noticing. You close your eyes for a moment, and your imagination enters the darkness behind your eyelids. You cut the deck and pick a card. One of your fellow earth-creatures steps forward to meet you. You play the corresponding song, sung in the voice of this being. Maybe they have something very direct to say to you today. Maybe you take on their point of view, and it casts a new perspective on the rest of your day. Maybe the prompt for this card in the booklet reminds you of something important that you forgot. Maybe you gain some balance in a simple moment of beauty. Maybe you consult the digital oracle while you're on the bus to work, and for the first time you notice a huge tree, radiating calm above the traffic. It reminds you of the tree from your school bus days, and you are grateful.
We believe that our small, wonderful relationships with our non-human neighbors can open the world to us, and that we can come home.
Our crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo closed on Sunday, January 11, 2025, and we raised 109% of our goal!
When we started planning this crowdfunding campaign, I don't think we had any idea how touching it would be to experience your support of us and our project. It's a really special thing to feel all of the good energy coming our way, from people donating money to people sharing the campaign with friends, to text messages of encouragement. We feel fueled up and enthusiastic about the next phase of recording and design, mastering and editing. Deepest gratitude to you for becoming part of "Songs of the Sphere" !!!
The campaign is live through the weekend. Any funds raised from here on will help us pay musicians (and maybe ourselves, a bit), have better printing options for the deck, and generally make sure we have what we need to make a beautiful thing. Also, if you or anyone you know really wants a printed Oracle Deck, pre order now! We're going to print a very limited run, and while we hope to reprint at some point, this might be a first edition only situation.
Thank you, Thank you, more soon,
Beth & Kristin
“Spring” from Songs of the Sphere by Kristin Gordon
Kristin Gordon, musician, and Beth Lorio, visual artist, have been friends and collaborators since 2002. For years they have dreamed of creating something that connects people with the more-than-human world, and they are overjoyed to share Songs of the Sphere with you.
Our mission statement:
We created Songs of the Sphere to lure you into the delightful power, the engrossing magic that surrounds us every day here in our planet home. An engaged, heart-centered relationship with the more-than-human world is a place of curiosity and resilience. In opening our senses to the life of the earth, we step into a belonging that joyfully, naturally calls on us to champion trees and sunsets, winds and frogs as our kin. We learn truths about our personal lives as we intimately imagine the lives that hum and hop alongside human concerns. In reflection of the kaleidoscopic nature of life on earth, Songs of the Sphere operates on different levels and presents multiple way to engage with itself. There is no one correct way to interpret the messages of the images or the music. There is guidance and inspiration for your daily life, prompts for exploration of your place on earth, and poetic whisperings for your intuition. We trust that you will find Songs of the Sphere to be a wonder-full companion for your homeward wanderings.
The Songs of the Sphere concert
on November 24, 2024 was an amazing success. We nearly sold out Alberta Abbey, and it was an beautiful way for these songs and images to make their first entrance into the world! Huge thank you to Resonate Choral Arts, Glam Country, Fifth Sunday, Bex Beloved, Avery Hill, and the Oracle Chorus for all the time and love they put into performing these songs!
Next steps:
We’re working on finishing mixing, mastering, editing, printing, and getting the album, oracle decks and digital app introduced to the world! We’re planning to deliver these by the Summer Solstice. If you didn’t order an oracle card, and would like to please reach out before March, and we’ll try make sure we order enough for everyone.
To hear the latest sign up for news about Songs of the Sphere here.